• Legend Arb Trading Limited (LARB) is a Hong Kong based proprietary trading company with global presence in major financial centers like Shanghai, Taiwan, and Singapore. Specialized in pricing of Chinese-related products, equity index futures, and commodities futures, LARB acts as a committed market maker to provide liquidity for HKEx and SGX.

Know Our Products

Instead of only pursuing for low latency strategies to enhance profit, we have been paying close attention to the product side by doing Quantitative/ Statistical Analysis and Fundamental Analysis.

Develop Our Niche

After years of intensive analysis on the product side, we have developed a niche expertise in the pricing of Chinese-related products, equity index futures, and commodities futures as well as a deep knowledge in a variety of products, regulations, and systems.

Pioneer By Nature

Although we could stay within our comfort zone and profit, we thrive on challenges and crave for ways to unleash our creativity. We are constantly on the lookout for new trading opportunities to support in hopes of setting higher standards and growing with this ever-changing industry.

Make Decisions Promptly

We believe proposals are meant to be followed up promptly. With an open-minded, innovation-driven director and a flat organizational structure, new ideas can be followed through and turned into actions while they are fresh.

Move Forward Together

LARB moving forward alone is not enough. We constantly support other trading-related organizations to succeed together with us.

We support the new product launching of many Asian exchanges by providing liquidity to the market. For example, we are a committed market maker of HKEx and SGX for many index futures and commodity futures. With the internationalization of DCE iron ore and INE crude oil, we are also among the first few overseas companies to obtain the trading right for both products.

With this solid expertise in the onshore and offshore Chinese financial market, we aim at creating value to the market by providing suggestions on trading-related areas, for instance strategies, and revamping business models with brokers, exchanges, etc.

By following the Chinese regulation update and economical development closely, we try to match the path in order to contribute to the process of internationalization of China.

Together, we can achieve our mutual goals.