Our Team

Recruiting the right people is the recipe for success. All members of LARB have passion for trading and technologies, impeccable logic thinking skills, and a thirst for excellence. Many of us graduated from top universities around the world (e.g. Erasmus University Rotterdam, London School of Economics and Political Science, Zhejiang University, The University of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology…) and have been working in the financial sector for more than 10 years.

Meet the Founder

Kace LAM
Managing Director of Legend Arb Trading Limited

Kace Lam is the founder of Legend Arb Trading Limited. He grew up in the Netherlands where he developed a western mindset; being adventurous, pioneering and open-minded. In his younger years as a student at Erasmus University Rotterdam, he has already tried his hand at various ventures, e.g. doing arbitrage business and founding an Option Association for yielding returns with members. He courageously manifested his passion for entrepreneurship and option trading.

After finishing his Master degree in Econometrics, Kace joined the world of trading. While screen trading was still in its infancy for many major European exchanges, he has helped to bring about new approaches to market making and trading in financial derivatives. 

In 2011, Kace founded Legend Arb Trading Limited (LA) and continued to explore new values to the proprietary trading industry. LA’s participates in more than 45 exchanges in the world and has direct access to major Asian Exchanges. With his extensive pricing knowledge, Kace has lead the company to provide liquidity to many Chinese-related products and index futures for major exchanges. On top of this, Kace focuses on research on products where he guides the company to perform fundamental analysis and refine mathematical models for over 200 financial derivatives. Many of the developed strategies, especially those involving the index futures, ferrous and precious metals, generate satisfying returns.

Apart from running LA, Kace invests in different trading related businesses, including asset management in both China and Hong Kong, OTC Brokerage, physical commodities trading, and AI trading software vendor. Currently, he is also supporting collaboration with universities to provide proprietary trading education to inspire young talents.